"…La democrazia non è solamente la possibilità ed il diritto di esprimere la propria opinione, ma è anche la garanzia che tale opinione venga presa in considerazione da parte del potere, la possibilità per ciascuno di avere una parte reale nelle decisioni…”
Alexander Dubcek


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Giuseppe (Pino) Romeo
Giuseppe (Pino) Romeo

He was born in Calabria on 1962. From 1983 to 1987 attended the Military Academy of Modena and the Military Officers Carabinieri School of Rome. He graduated in:

- Law, with dissertation degree thesis in Constitutional Law on the topic “The Presidency of the Council of Ministers (Prime Minister Cabinet) after Law n.400/ 1988”, University of Salerno;
- Political Sciences - International Politics, with dissertation degree thesis in History of International Policy Treaties on the topic “The Italian Foreign Policy during Andreotti’s era”, University of Milano;
- Strategic Sciences with dissertation degree thesis in Strategic Studies on the topic “Geopolitics of the Middle East”, University of Torino.
He enabled to practice as a lawyer. He is journalist.
He is Legal Adviser for the Armed Forces

Academic activities
Among various University collaborations remember expert for teaching in:
- European Union Law, at University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro, Law Faculty;
- History of the Treaties and International Politics at University of Calabria Cosenza, Literature Faculty;
- Strategic Studies and Political Science at University of Torino, Political Sciences Faculty;
- History of the Treaties and International Politics atUniversity of Milano, Political Sciences Faculty;
- Strategic Studies and Analysis of Foreign Politics at University of Milano, Political Sciences Faculty.
Today he is an expert in teaching of History of International Relations at the Department of Culture and Society University of Turin as well as for Strategic Studies and International Relations for the degree course in Strategic Sciences .
Among different topics for lessons and seminars, you can remember:
- “Italian Foreign Policy in the Mediterranean Region”, Literature Faculty, University of Calabria, Cosenza;
- “Sociology of International Relations, for the degree course in Economic Company, University “Magna Graecia”of Catanzaro;
- “The International externals business risk”, Master in Security & Safety, by SPACE company, University “L.Bocconi”, Milano;
- “Transfer of strategically critic materials”, Interforces NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) School;
- “Strategy, Communication and Consensus building. The Soft Power”, Political Sciences Faculty, Strategic Studies - University of Milan;
- “The United States and the rest of the world. At the origins of United States Foreign Policy” at Political Sciences Faculty, University of Milan and University of Genova;
- “The Russia and United States. Models of foreign policy compared”, Culture and Society Department, History of International Relations, University of Torino.
Actually he is expert for teaching of: History of International Relations in the Culture and Society Department University of Torino, and Strategic Studies and International Relations for the degree in Strategic Sciences, University of Torino.

Contributes for reviews and magazines
He published many articles and comments about: political analysis, economic analysis and international relations among newspapers and magazines.
Among different collaborations, he wrote for:
Affari Sociali Internazionali (International Social Affairs), Difesa Oggi (Defence Today), Eurasia, Force & Sicurezza (Force and Security), Imperi (Empires), Informazioni della Difesa (The Informations of Defence), La Comunità Internazionale (The International Community), Millenovecento, Minerva, Obiettivo Calabria (Calabria Target), Rassegna dell'Arma dei Carabinieri (Review of the Carabinieri Corps), Rassegna dell’Esercito (Army Review), Rivista Marittima (Italian Navy Review), Rivista Militare (Italian Military Review), Rivista di Polizia (Police Review), Rivista di Politica (Political Review).
From 2001 to 2010 he wrote for the “Newspaper of Calabria” publishing many contributions, and from 2014 to 2015 for Chronicles of the “Garantista” (national edition). In particular:

(International Social Affairs) : A Mutual Social Policy for the XXI Century n.3-1997; Globalization and legitimation of the State, n.1-1998; What Security for Europe? n.4-1997; Immigration. UE waterproof borders and necessary integration. Europe among solidarity, tolerance and strictness, n.1-1999; The South of Italy, between Europe and Mediterranean region, n.4-1999; The South of Italy. Organize a productive land, n.1-2000; Decentralization and development. Marginal notes of the European Union Politics, n.3-2000; The protest against globalization. A new economic order or disorder? N.4-2000; Uncertain security. Notes on the sidelines of a summit in mid, n.2-2001; A Good for everybody, n.1-2002; International relations, n.3-2002; West. A model in crisis, n.4-2002; Ideology and Politics. Considerations for a European dialects, n.2-2003; Mediterranean and Middle East. Recent history of a geopolitical proximity, n.2-2004; The Great Game is enlarging, n.3-2004; An European governance for a world governance; n.1-2005

(Defence Today) : New Model of Defense. The finalization of a military land instrument n.196; Weapons: export, import and transit, n.204/205; Weapons: economic essential and control market, n.210; Weapons: check operations and institutional coordination, n.212

(Eurasia). Constitutions and Geopolitics. Heteronomy of the complementarity needed, n.2-2011

(Force and Security): Weapons. A law to fight the traffic. (I) n.81/82; Weapons. A law to fight the traffic. (II) n.85: Business e financial managerial of criminal organizations, n.83/84

(Empires). Human rights. Legal requirements, political expediency, n.21-2010; The “Our Sea" between Andreotti and Craxi, n.22-2011;The Europe and the euro. The little mouse syndrome, n.23-2011; Russia and Europe. Energy proximity and political distances, n. 26-2012; The Empire and the Mission. Realism and idealism in American foreign policy, n.27-2012

(The Informations of Defence): The European Security in the system place of the main institutions, n.6-1995; Which Middle East? N.1-2004; A great game among more participants, n.5-2004; The Water factor, n.3-2005; The International frightened. Londoner post-reflections. Lessons Learned, n.1- 2006. Middle East enlarged to Asian outskirts. Regional status finding balance. n. 1-2007. Russia: The other soul of Europe, n. 4-2007

’ INTERNAZIONALE (The International Community): European security between autonomy and institutional complementarity, n.LIII; The European Identity. Security and Foreign Policy. The crisis of the CFSP, n.1 -2000; Extra-UE immigration between politics and law, n.4- 2002

: Not only Yalta, April 2005

. The Vatican foreign policy. Ratzinger and the new world, n.229; Euro-confusion and the half-moon shadow, n.234; Italgate in USA sauce, n.236; The revolt of the banlieues. Dear Grandeur I present the cost, n. 237; The Russian shortage. And Putin take up the gas weapon, n.238; Souls without borders, n.240; The social value of politics, n. 241; The return of the pasdaran, n. 242

(Calabria Target): The South Italy between geopolitics and geo-economics. n.4-2000; The South Italy between Europe and Mediterranean, n.1-2001; Decentralization and development. Marginal notes of the Union, n.2-2001; Polarized trends and development in the Mediterranean region, n.3-2001; From the abuse of Welfare State policies to innovation, n.4-2001; Internationalization. Win or loose. The South Italy and the global market rules, n.1-2002; The competitive regionalization , n. 2-2002

(Review of the Carabinieri Corps): The European Money System. History of an announced crises, n.1-1994 ; OLP- Israel.The searching of peace between the enemies, n.3-1994; Compared consideration about justice assistants, n.1-1996; The text of Bank Laws. Uniformity rules and identification of active subject through the crime of false social communications, n.3-1996; Islam. State and Religion. Margin notes about fundamentalist phenomenon, n.4-1996

(Italian Army Review) : Order and Disorder. Substain the change. A new concept theories for the military instrument, n.4-1998; Europartnership, n.6-1998; Globalization and terrorism threat. From antagonism to violence, n.4-2001; Development and communication. Essential factors, n. 3-2003

( Italian Navy Review): The West after Madrid, n.6 December 2004

(Italian Military Review): A New Strategic Concept, n.5-1995; An European Defence Policy, n.6-1997; A new geography of International Relations, n.4-2002; Energetic shortage syndrome, n. 5-2004; An universal democracy, n. 4-2005. Armed Conflicts, n. 1-2007; Politics and Religion in the International Relations, n. 5-2007; Europe looks at East n. 1- 2008

(Police Review): The right of not to answer between constitutional essentiality in the Anglo-American system and the lack of prediction in the new italian trial, March-April 1996; Actuality of International conventions about counter-terrorism, January 1997; Will exist a common justice? Law and protection between sustain e sovereign of the State in the future Union; January 1998

(Political Review). The chicken or the egg? Democracy and universal new world order, n.4-2010; Sovereign without sovereignty? State and empire in the order of chaos, n.4-2011; The "end of the war": the new conflicts in the globalized world, n. 3- 2014

RICOMINCIARE DA SUD (Start South of Italy) 1997 - MEZZOGIORNO DUEMILA (The South of Italy in the new century) 2000 - LA POLITICA ESTERA ITALIANA NELL’ERA ANDREOTTI (Italian Foreign Policy in the Andreotti’s Era) 2000 - EUROSICUREZZA. Dal disordine mondiale ad un ordine europeo (Eurosecurity. From a Mondial Disorder to an European Order) 2001 - LA FINE DI UN MONDO. Dal crollo delle Torri Gemelle una nuova teoria delle Relazioni Internazionali (The End of the World. From the Twin Towers’ ruin a new Theory of International Relations) 2002 - PROFILI DI DIRITTO DEL’UNIONE EUROPEA. Storia, Istituzioni, aspetti giuridici dell’integrazione europea (Law Profile of the European Union. History, Institutions, Law aspects of European Integration) 2002 - LA GUERRA COME DESTINO? Palestinesi ed israeliani a confronto. Da Oslo alla Road Map. La Paura della pace (The War as Fate? Palestinians and Israelis to Compare. From Oslo to Road Map. The Fear of the Peace) 2002 - ACQUA. Scenari per una crisi (Water. Scenes for a Crisis) 2005 - ALL’OMBRA DELLA MEZZALUNA. Dopo Saddam, dopo Arafat, dopo la Guerra (Under Shadow of Half-Moon. After Saddam, after Arafat, after the War) 2005 - LEGALITA’ DEMOCRAZIA CONSENSO. Valori universali per un destino comune (Legality, Consensus, Democracy. Universal Values for a Common Destiny) 2005 - IL FRONTE SUD DELL’EUROPA. Prospettive economiche e strategie politiche nel Mediterraneo (The European South Front. Economic Perspectives and Strategic Policies in the Mediterranean Region) 2007 - ALLEANZE E CONFLITTI NEL CONO SUD DELL’EUROPA. Il ruolo dell’Italia. (Alliances and Conflicts in the South Europe Area. The Role of Italy) 2007 - L’ULTIMO SOLDATO. Pace e Guerra nel nuovo Mondo (The Last Soldier. War and Peace in a New World). 2008 - LA GUERRA PREVENTIVA. Tra diritto e politica. Contributo pubblicato all’interno del volume curato da Scerbo, Bilotta, Cappelletti. PACE, GUERRA, CONFLITTI NELLA SOCIETA’ DEL DIRITTO (The Preventive War. Between Law and Politics. InScerbo, Cappelletti, Bilotta. Peace, War, Conflictys in the Law Society) 2009 - LA RUSSIA POSTIMPERIALE. La tentazione di potenza (The Post-Imperial Russia. The Temptation of Power, wrote with Alessandro Vitale. )2009 - LETTERE DAL SUD (Letters from the South) 2012

Other activities
Over the last few years he has participated as a speaker at conferences and lesson cycles in favor of many clubs service, public and private institutions in the field of development economics relative to Southern Italy, on the legality and the process of European integration, as well as specific seminars on international relations and international terrorism.
He has organized conferences on the subject of politics and economics and focus dedicated to the Mediterranean Region.
As an analyst and opinionist he participated in some TV programs. These include the format dedicated to the Armed Forces "Stars of Italy" aired in the autumn of 2008 to the spring of 2009 for Odeon TV.

in addition to several civil and military honors, he is an honorary citizen of the towns of Rocchetta Ligure (AL), Soverato (CZ) and Santa Severina (KR). Among the awards the "Gino Gullace Award" and the "Lantern Silver". He is "Paul Harris Fellow" of Rotary International.

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